Posts tagged “Eomicochiananthe”

I met a new plant today. A neat unassuming little thing, quietly minding its own business at the entrance to the shade tunnel of one of my favourite nurseries ( Unshowy though it was I was taken aback at the fresh perfection of its lobed, heart shaped, fleshy leaves on delicate stems. While everything around is starting its autumnal decline, this little chap seemed full of the joys of - well, autumn. 
I'm reliably informed by one of the two incredibly helpful and knowledgable owners that it goes by the name of Eomecon chionanthe - yes, now repeat after me - Ee- Oh - Me - Con - Chio - Nan - Thee. A mighty big name for such a little plant. 
I rightly assumed that it obligingly dies away in winter completely, rather than hanging around looking dead or depressed. As if its pleasing leaves and habit weren't enough it flowers twice no less over the growing season, producing simple four petaled white blooms with yellow stamens - rather like a poppy being a distant relative.