Other Garden Services

Alison Böckh Garden Design based in North Devon can assist in all aspects of Garden Design. I also offer other services such as consultations, planting and growing advice. Call me on 01805 804322 or 07772147518, or if you prefer, you can email alison@gardendesignernorthdevon.co.uk or click here to visit my contact page and complete the simple form.
A consultation may be all that you require giving you fresh insight into enhancing what you have, and gardening advice to rejuvenate existing planting. My visits are accompanied by a written brief outlining my suggestions and explaining how to maintain the garden you want.
Planting Plans
Every few years a border needs replanting to bring colour and form back into the garden - as well as a weed cull!
For larger beds and borders I can revise the planting plan in keeping with the site and soil but according to your budget and taste.
Where possible I like to replant these areas with plants from quality local nurseries - to support local businesses and because their plants are raised in Devon! I have a trained and talented planting crew to implement my plans.
Call me to arrange a free initial visit.

Garden Designer Devon, Landscaper Devon, Horticultural Consultant North Devon, North Devon Garden Designer.