Garden Design Service North Devon
Alison Böckh Garden Design based in North Devon, offers a complete garden design service throughout the Southwest. I have over twenty years experience and am fully trained in all aspects of garden design.
The Garden Design
An initial consultation provides an opportunity to assess the site’s potential and acquire a clear understanding of your needs and objectives. My first priority at this stage is to find out what sort of garden you want.
‘Form follows Function’
Consider what you want to do in the garden; the form of the garden will always be based on the activities you want to pursue, whether it’s growing vegetables or relaxing in the sun.
This is an opportunity to express your hopes and frustrations with your garden - 'warts and all' - as well as your aspirations for how it could be... My main objective here is to discover how you want your garden to 'perform'.
An indication of fees and construction costs will be part of this process.
Once a design is commissioned, I will provide an estimate supported by a detailed written brief summarising the ideas and suggestions developed during our discussions.
Garden Design
After a thorough survey, a first draft of the design will show a detailed layout of the proposed garden indicating levels, features, as well as the main trees and shrubs. I can advise you regarding materials and plants, taking your taste and budget into consideration throughout.
Together we can develop the design, fine tuning details and working into the plan other thoughts and ideas you may have had in the meantime.
A final draft of the design then becomes the working drawing from which the garden becomes reality. Detailed construction drawings of specific features as well as planting plans can be provided at this stage. From these plans a landscaper can understand your project and can give you an accurate breakdown of costs for the construction.
Finding a suitable landscaper can be a time consuming process but it's worth the effort to find the right team for your project and budget.
I can help you find the right landscapers who can implement the design - and find the ideal materials from quality local suppliers.
And for specific bespoke features I have contacts with local craftsmen to call upon as necessary.
Project Management
In any project there are always gliches and issues to be resolved during the build process.
My regular on-site visits ensure the garden unfolds according to our plans - where together we can fine tune the design details as work proceeds.

Plants bring form, colour, texture and even flavour to the garden and are the life blood of any design scheme.
This is the fun part - but it needs a bit of expertise and gardening knowledge. I can help you select the right plants for the right place and make your garden look alive and thriving year round.
Detailed planting plans can be provided for larger beds and borders and I can replant your garden, sourcing plants from quality local nurseries. I also offer a follow up service to ensure the garden lives up to the design brief.
Alternatively call me on 01805 804322 or 07772147518,
or email -
Garden Designer Devon, Landscaper Devon, Horticultural Consultant Devon, North Devon Garden Designer.